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Renegotiate Treaties

Page history last edited by jenki2ae@dukes.jmu.edu 12 years, 5 months ago
  • Solution: Revise the current treaties dealing with yearly water allocation for Sudan and Egypt, and to account for population, industrial growth, and climate change, so the usable water from the Nile can be more properly allocated between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. 


  • Background information: The existing treaties regarding water withdrawls for each country as of now are not sustainable for the long term. There are many conflicts over it, and if the treaties were reviewed and amended, the water from the nile could be spread out more evenly between Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. It could also reduce the tension between these countries and possibly prevent “water wars”.


  • Solution sustainability: This solution could be sustainable in the long run if the new amended treaties were open to changing again to account for factors like population growth, industrial growth, and climate change. If the treaties were amended and then not changed, there would be some change, but the same problem would result and even more conflict between the countries could arise.


  • Potential obstacles: There are many obstacles that would effect the implementation of this solution. One of the biggest obstacles would be the egyptian government not wanting to cooperate or give up any of the water that they already have allotted to them per year. Increased conflict between the basin countries could occur that would further inhibit cooperation in the revision of the treaties. Another obstacle could be that new countries could form (i.e. South Sudan) that need to be included in the treaties which would require further revision. Changing governments or newly elected leaders could also be a potential obstacle in the revision of the treaties because they might not agree with the stipulations so it further prolongs the time frame of revision.


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