
Sanitation: Water Purification Technologies

Page history last edited by jenki2ae@dukes.jmu.edu 12 years, 9 months ago
  • Solution: Implement small scale water purification technologies like filters that can be made from resources of the region to improve drinking water quality. 


  • Background information: Small scale water purification technologies accompanied by educational programs will further water quality for the citizens of Sudan. Ceramic filters and water bottle purification are very effective and inexpensive. 


  • Solution sustainability: This solution is sustainable for the region in that they are cheap and or can be made by the citizens. Also, the technologies with education can be easy to use and are effective in purifying drinking water. As of now, cases of waterborne illnesses in this region are high and these technologies are a good method of reducing these cases in Sudan. The ceramic filters prevent pathogens and contaminants to flow through them and the water bottle purification with Sudan's climate conditions can purify water in just one hour. 


  • Potential obstacles
    • Getting citizens to use them.
    • Short life span.
    • Insufficient income levels which would lead citizens to disregard buying effective small scale technologies.


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