
Solution Interactions

Page history last edited by najamyms@dukes.jmu.edu 12 years, 8 months ago

The diagram above shows how all the solutions interact to solve Bangladesh's water problems. The main water problems were found to be lack of clean water, sanitation issues, arsenic in groundwater, and climate change. Climate change is not shown on this diagram because it is not something that can be solved with on the ground solutions.


Lack of Water

the grey water infrastructure in cities works toward making the water available more productive. Therefore, the same amount of water can go further and increases the amount of water overall. Rainwater capture systems in the rural areas will be used as a main water source during the dry season. This will increase the available water during the dry season as well as allow the groundwater to recharge for the future. Rainwater capture systems will also be integrated into sustainable agricultural practices which are also meant to save water. Sustainable farming practices, along with rainwater capture systems for irrigation, will reduce the amount of water farmers use overall in Bangladesh. This feeds into the lack of water problem because using less water for agriculture will increase the amount of water available throughout the country. The education program is meant to help establish the sustainable farming practices and rainwater capture systems to ensure integration and long term impact. 



Waste water treatment plants being implemented in cities, combined with better distribution infrastructure, will increase the amount of clean water in cities. It is the hope that the densely populated urban slums will have better access to clean water through this solution. This increase in sanitation will increase the quality of life of these individuals. The public shower facilities and public compost toilets will improve the sanitation habits in the urban areas as well. Public defecation and bathing in the rivers will decrease with this solution, thus improving the quality of the river and cities overall. the education program The education program in place will address sanitation habits and explain how to use the new solutions being implemented. The citizens will learn how the new infrastructure will help their lives and hopefully become enthusiastic for these solutions.



Arsenic will be addressed mainly in the education program as the citizens learn helpful hints and how to use the rainwater capture systems as a replacement for groundwater. Since arsenic comes up through the groundwater, the discontinued or decreased use of the groundwater will aid in this problem. In that sense, the rainwater capture systems are the main solution to this problem.


Solutions Overview

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