Rural Solutions
The rural solutions aim to enable communities and small farms to begin to rely on other sources of water besides groundwater for daily use. Not only is the groundwater being depleted, but in many rural areas arsenic is found in the groundwater. Therefore, solutions must be in place to address both these issues. Rural solutions will come in the form of education and rainwater capture. Education programs will teach the people more sustainable agriculture practices. Rainwater capture, coupled with small scale water treatment, will provide the rural population of Bangladesh with more stable water sources throughout the year.
Tubewell Testing
It will be important for the future to increase the efficiency and magnitude of the government tubewell testing program. This program was put into place to determine which areas are affected by arsenic in the groundwater. By bettering and expanding this program, it will determine which rural areas have safe groundwater and can therefore continue to use their tubewells for drinking water purposes.
Agricultural Use
In combination with the tubewell testing, education and rainwater capture, the agricultural industry will have several options for irrigation water. The main suggestion will be to use a rainwater capture system for irrigation purposes to allow the groundwater to recharge. However, if there is a deficit then groundwater can be used if necessary.
Solutions Overview Education Rainwater Capture
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