Urban Solution Overview
The urban solutions focus on cleaning up the surface water and making the availability of drinking water more widespread.
The urban communities of Bangladesh are confronted with a challenging set of limitations when dealing with the availability of drinking water, mainly space and funding. The urban areas are home to some of the poorest people in the country living in the urban slums. These people in particular are in need of a solution that will improve their quality of life from an increase in availability of water and sanitation.
These solutions implemented in the urban populations will come in the form of education programs, water treatment facilities, and grey water infrastructure. Education programs will provide the Bangladesh people with knowledge of safer sanitation practices as well as knowledge on how to maintain the newly developed water infrastructure. The water treatment facilities are responsible for treating the water and making it available for human consumption, as well as dealing with waste water. The grey water infrastructure solution will provide the people of urban Bangladesh with more efficient uses for their water.
To accomplish cleaning up the surface water and improving the overall sanitation in the urban areas, particularly the urban slums, public compost toilets and shower facilities will be put into place throughout the country. The compost toilets will provide a private and safe place to use the bathroom for people without access to one. The compost toilet will use no water so that it does not add to the water deficit and will provide the people with a composting product as an end result. The public shower facilities would keep people without access to water out of the rivers. Keeping people out of the open surface water would greatly reduce sickness and disease. These public shower facilities would feed into an overall grey water system and would not be directly dumped back into the surface water.
Solutions Overview Education Program Water Treatment Grey Water
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