Summary and Conclusion
In conclusion, the previous background and analysis of the water conflict between Turkey, Syria, and Iraq is a serious concern for those living within this region. With Turkey not understanding the downstream water needs of the riparian countries, future dam infrastructures that withhold the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates leaves limited availability to those downstream. In addition, out-of-date irrigation practices and water management techniques further contribute to the struggles faced by these downstream nations. With the short and long term proposed goals being; updated irrigation practices to assist with water conservation and management, a possible oil for water trade to increase the inlet water flow into the downstream nations, and tri-country treaty to obtain sustainable and equitable water resources for all three countries, could eliminate the water deficit. Below is the water deficit graph from setting the scene revisited. The graph displays that with the proposed solutions implemented the water deficit could be voided.
Figure 7. The above graph displays the water deficit voided after 29% of the irrigated land upgrades to furrow irrigation versus flood/surface irrigation. The graph also includes the per capita growth rate within the region.
The solutions to these problems are not expected to arise overnight, but negotiations need to be placed on the table for consideration by those in power who can assist in ended the water conflict. With decreasing crop yields and animal production down by fifty percent, the water crisis is becoming even more pronounced. Human lives are at stake, and the problem, as time has shown, is not getting any better, but worse. Unfortunately as the population grows not only in this region, but around the world, we may begin to see similar conflicts regarding water availability/scarcity. It is difficult to decide on a solution when political rulers wage a war over an element that is a basic staple of life.
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